Our Team:
Fr. Antoine Rizk, BSO, Pastor
Deacon Naji Youssef
As Melkite Catholics in NYC, we aim to serve our Community of originally of Middle Eastern origin, and our beloved city, with a generous spirit.
We celebrate the joy of the Gospel in our Divine Liturgy of Byzantine Rite.
We are committed to sharing our faith and fostering the love of Christ.

"The Lord is God and He has appeared to us"
The Eucharist is the "Source and Summit" of our life
Come and receive the Holy Gifts!
We care for our Community
As Christ cares for us
Together we serve
We follow the example of Jesus Christ who gave His life to us
And to you we stretch out our hands

Together we pray
We seek to establish trust and credibility and to let your loving truth be spoken in our lives. We want to see You at the center of our community's life and activities. We believe that You will reveal Yourself to us through worship and repentance.
We want to foster in ourselves a passion to learn more about You and Your Word. We desire to nurture transformational growth in our spiritual journeys- from where we are to where You want to take us.
We want to move spiritually to a place where we will live out our faith. We desire to see ourselves becoming more like You, O Christ our God, serving each other, the church, and the wider community- for we believe it's through service to others that our lives are changed.
We want to create a supportive environment where we are able to bring others to hear the Gospel message. We also want to equip ourselves with the ability to share our own faith. Our desire is to foster a passion to share You, O Christ.
Give us Your glory, that we may be one as You and the Father are one. Continue to make the Name of the Father known to us, so that the love with which the Father loved You may be in us, and You may be in us (Cf John 17: 22, 26). Amen.